Category: Photos

Birding in the Ecuadorian Andes–Guango Lodge
(October 14) The Guango Lodge is on the eastern slope of the Andes at about 8,800 feet and features humid temperate forest.

Birding in the Ecuadorian Andes–San Isidro Reserve
(October 12-14.) Subtropical forest on the eastern slope of the Andes, around 6,000 feet. (As always, click on the pictures to see a larger version.) Cinnamon Flycatcher. Montane Woodcreeper.

Birding in the Ecuadorian Andes–Artisana Ecological Reserve
(October 11.) The Artisana Ecological Reserve extends high above the treeline, almost 19,000 feet at its highest point. (I think we only got to about 12,000 feet.) This presents a… Read more »

Birding in the Ecuadorian Andes–Paz de las Aves Reserve
(October 10) The Paz de las Aves Reserve features subtropical forest at about 6,000 feet. The Andean Cock-of-the-Rock is a large brightly-colored bird with an oddly-shaped head. It gets its… Read more »

Birding in the Ecuadorian Andes–Rio Silanche Reserve
(October 9) This is tropical forest at around 1,000 feet.

Birding in the Ecuadorian Andes–Sachatamia Lodge
(October 8 & 9) The Sachatamia Lodge and Rainforest Reserve, altitude approximately 5,500 feet. Another Rufus-collared Sparrow. (These are basically trash birds, found everywhere.) Viridian Metaltail.

Birding in the Ecuadorian Andes–Milpe Cloud Forest Reserve
(October 8) As always, click on the photos to see a larger view. I was able to get a few birds at the entrance… Capped Conebill

Birding in the Ecuadorian Andes–Nonomindo Road
(October 7) An outstanding lunch at an Argentine-style steakhouse. The Nonomindo Road features subtropical forest at an altitude of around 6,500 feet.

Birding in the Ecuadorian Andes–Yanachocha
(Otcober 8.) The reason that Ecuador has so many types of birds (some other countries have more species, but none come close to the number of species per square mile)… Read more »