Birding in the Ecuadorian Andes–Artisana Ecological Reserve

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(October 11.)
The Artisana Ecological Reserve extends high above the treeline, almost 19,000 feet at its highest point. (I think we only got to about 12,000 feet.) This presents a different kind of challenge for bird photography.
I had dreams of getting a good photo of an Andean Condor, the worlds largest flying bird, but the only ones we saw were too far away for any lens I could reasonably be expected to carry.

Let’s zoom in closer on these cliffs.
Cliffs Zoomed in
Hmmm…what’s that near the top? Maybe if I severely crop the image…
Andean Condor
Yup, that’s an Andea Condor all right. (At least according to our guide.) Sorry, but that’s the best I could do.

Black-chested Buzzard-eagle
A Black-chested Buzzard Eagle (also pretty far away.)
Black-tailed Trainbearer
Black-tailed Trainbearer.
Black Phoebe
Black Phoebe.
Ecuadorean Hillstar
Ecuadorean Hillstar.
Brown-backed Chat-tyrant
Brown-backed Chat-tyrant.
Undulated Antpitta
Undulated Antpitta.
Plain-capped Ground-tyrant
Plain-capped Ground-tyrant.
Stout-billed Cinclodes
Stout-billed Cinclodes.
Stout-billed Cinclodes
Another Stout-billed Cinclodes.
Stout-billed Cinclodes
Plumbeous Sierra Finch
Plumbeous Sierra Finch.
Variable Hawk
Variable Hawk.
Carunculated Caracara
Carunculated Caracara.
Dirt Road

Peak and Clouds
Tawny Antpitta
Tawny Antpitta.

All posts from this trip.