My point is this: I wouldn’t go so far as to say that Spring Breakers is a good movie–but it might be good if it had little robots at the bottom of the screen making snarky comments.
There are 3 college students named Candy, Brit and Cotty (Vanessa Hudgens, Ashley Benson and Rachel Korine). They have hot bodies and pea-sized brains. They want to go to Florida for spring break, but they haven’t saved up enough money. But they really, really want to go. So they hold up a diner. (Right away you can see that this probably won’t end well.)
They drag along their best friend Faith (Selena Gomez), a good girl from a conservative family who just doesn’t feel fulfilled by her Christian youth group.
After partying a bit too hard St. Pete they end up meeting a creepy gangsta rapper called Alien (James Franco). Franco seems a bit out of place in this movie since he actually can act.
Seriously, I think if Ed Wood were alive today he would be making movies like this. Sure, the production values seem higher, but today it costs a lot less to get your hands on the equipment needed to make decent-looking video and it’s easier to learn how to use it properly. And since Bela Lugosi is dead, why not hire James Franco?