Akan National Park

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(Sept 12) An area with a number of geothermal sites.

When the weather is good one can get a good view of Lake Kussharo, a huge volcanic caldera lake, from the Gurutto Overlook.
Gurutto Overlook

Tourists dig in the thermal sands at the shore of the lake. The surface of the sand feels normal, but if you dig down to the water level it starts to get hot. (The lake water itself feels normal.)
Thermal Sands

Steam belches from vents in the side of Iozan (Sulfur Mountain).

This woman is selling eggs cooked in the sulfur vents.
Iozan Egg Vendor

Just put them in the steam for a few minutes and they’re ready to eat!
Iozan Eggs

(I didn’t have the nerve to try one.)
Sulfer Vents

Lake Masshu is another caldera lake, smaller but deeper.
Lake Masshu

All posts from this trip.