Brian Ashcraft of Wired was having terrible luck with cell phones: he ran through four of them in less than a year. So he took his next one to the Kanda Shrine near Akihabara, which specializes in spiritually purifying electronic equipment. Result: one shiny new purified and blessed cell phone.
He describes the process in a photo essay: Gadget Blessings: Shinto Priest Protects Electronics From Bad Mojo.
(Presumably it won’t let him browse for porn, but he doesn’t seem to mind.)
Hahaha– wow. Just wow. Not that I’m ridiculing him– on the contrary, if I lost that many cell phones in a year, I would pray about it too– but seeing him go through a spiritual ritual to protect his precious gadget is an amusing sight.
Perhaps I should read Wired magazine more often. xD