Floreana Island, Galápagos

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(December 4) Floreana Island has a colorful history, much of which seems to involve would-be settlers killing each other or dying of thirst.
Yellow Warbler
A yellow warbler sits on a pile of seaweed on the beach.

Salt flatsFlamingos
Salt flats with flamingos.
Pintailed ducks
White cheeked pintail ducks.
The volcano at the center of the island.
Stingrays swim in the surf.
Sally Lightfoot crabs
More Sally Lightfoot crabs.
Sea turtle nests
Higher up on the beach are nests left by green sea turtles.
Candelabra cactus
A lonely candelabra cactus sits on a ridge.
Sea turtles mating
Offshore we spotted a pair of green sea turtles mating
Sea turtles mating
The female has to keep both of them afloat while the male climbs on top of her.
Male sea turtle
Another male waits his turn. Apparently the female will take turns mating with any male who happens to be around.
Post Office Bay
The famous barrel at “Post Office Bay” where whalers would leave letters to be picked up by any ship headed in the right direction. You can still leave a letter there and hope that some other tourist will deliver it.
Frigate birds.
A frigate bird flies over the boat while another one rests on the radar mast.
Frigate bird

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