Enough Said (IMDB) is an unusually smart and insightful romantic comedy. This does not mean that it is the sort of movie that will dazzle you with brilliant witty dialog. The characters here are ordinary people, reasonably smart college-educated types but not brilliant. What they say and do is believable. I don’t doubt that everything here could really happen.
The story centers on two lonely divorced single parents. Eva (Julia Louis-Dreyfus) is a masseuse. Albert (James Gandolfini) is a laid-back film historian. Both have notable flaws but neither is reprehensible. They meet, start to get to know each other, and gradually realize that they really like each other.
The main problem is something quite natural. Having been through failed marriages they both desperately want to avoid finding themselves in another bad relationship. A reasonable fear but in many subtle ways it interferes with building a new relationship, since such things always require a leap of faith.
This is not exactly an edge-of-your-seat thriller but it is realistic and subtly funny.