I reviewed Arrietty during its brief theatrical release in 2012 but I’ve finally gotten around to watching the Blu-Ray disc. It was well worth the money. The movie looks terrific–the world’s greatest animation studio at the top of its form.
TitleThe Secret World of Arrietty
Original TitleKari-gurashi no Arietti (Arrietty the Borrower)
GenresFantasy, Adventure
LanguagesEnglish, French, Japanese with subtitles
Contents95 minutes plus bonus material in a Blu-Ray/DVD combo set.
DirectorHiromasa Yonebayashi
ScreenplayHayao Miyazaki, Keiko Niwa
Based ona novel by Mary Norton
Art DirectorNoboru Yoshida, Youji Takeshige
Character DesignAkihiko Yamashita
Animation DirectorAkihiko Yamashita, Megumi Kagawa
MusicCécile Corbel
ProducerToshio Suzuki
Animation StudioStudio Ghibli
North American PublisherWalt Disney Home Entertainment
Parental Advisory
This is not quite an all-ages film. Some scenes may be overly frightening for preschoolers but it should be fine for anyone old enough to read the subtitles. The high quality of the writing and animation should be enough to keep adults entertained.
Notes on the Translation
I harshly criticized Disney’s theatrical release for giving the human characters Anglo names. The movie is set in Japan and the human characters are Japanese. No honest translator would try to hide this and no reasonably literate viewer would be fooled since plenty of Japanese signs are visible. It is a dishonest thing to do and an insult to the audience to think we would be fooled.
(The movie is loosely based on an English book in which the human characters were presumably English. However the book didn’t give names for them so the Anglo names in the English dub are just fabrications by the translator.)
Fortunately the home video release gives you an alternative: select the excellent Japanese soundtrack and the English subtitles which provide a reasonably accurate translation. (There is an alternate subtitle track labeled “English for the Hearing Impaired” which exactly follows the English dub. I guess this is for people who are both deaf and a bit dim.)
I think the subtitle translation is acceptable but not great. There are no gratuitous alterations but sometimes it seems a bit too free
This is very much a judgement call. I would not want a translation to be too literal. The languages are so different that a literal translation would sound very unnatural. Still, to the extent that it can be done in a natural-sounding way, a translation should try to preserve the original meaning.
Original JapaneseIssho ni sagasou.
Literal translationLet’s search together.
Natural translationLet’s look for her together.
Subtitle translationWe’ll find her.
English dubWe. Will. Find. Her.
The subtitle translation is close but not exactly right. In the context of this particular scene it seems subtly inappropriate–and this is the sort of subtlety that Japanese writers tend to be particularly sensitive to. The American voice actor seems to be be taking things in a completely different direction–but perhaps he was just thrown by the problem of lip-synching 4 syllables of English to 6 or 7 syllables of Japanese.
Premise and Characters