One minor frustration I had when reading El Goonish Shive (mini-review here) is that there is no official character list. There are some character lists created by fans (links below) but they are heavily spoiler-laden. Since I strongly recommend reading the whole story from the beginning here, that tends to defeat the purpose.
So in a typical obsessive manner I created my own character list. To minimize spoilers I list the characters roughly in order of appearance and describe them only as they first appear (no character development or new powers.)
I have taken the liberty of assigning RPG-style alignments to the characters. I find this helpful in understanding this particular story, but I want to make it clear that this is my idea, not Dan Shive’s. The alignments just represent my impression of the characters and may not reflect the author’s views.

Alignment: Chaotic-Neutral.
Intelligence: High.
Paranormal Abilities: Mad scientist.
Embarrassing Secret: There’s nothing wrong with his vision. He wears the glasses to disguise his girlish features.
Hair: Purple.
Sexual Orientation: Pervert.

Elliot Dunkel is Tedd’s classmate and best friend (probably his only friend at the beginning of the story.) He is a nice, clean-cut all-American boy. For someone like that to hang out with someone like Tedd is bound to have tragic consequences. Elliot is handsome, brave, strong, honorable, thoughtful and kind. He will not hesitate to intervene to protect the weak or right an injustice, even at great risk to himself.
Alignment: Lawful-Good.
Intelligence: Average at best.
Paranormal Abilities: A student of Anime-Style Martial Arts, Eliot can perform amazing feats by focusing his ki.
Embarrassing Secret: Fantasizes about being a superhero. (You should be careful what you wish for.)
Hair: Light Brown.
Sexual Orientation: Hetero.

Alignment: Neutral-Good.
Intelligence: Average.
Paranormal Abilities: None.
Embarrassing Secret: Draws comics.
Hair: Blond.
Sexual Orientation: Hetero.

Alignment: Chaotic-Neutral (bordering on Evil.)
Intelligence: High.
Paranormal Abilities: Mad scientist.
Hair: White.
Sexual Orientation: Pervert.

Alignment: Chaotic-Stupid.
Intelligence: Below average.
Paranormal Abilities: Mad scientist.
Hair: Blond.
Sexual Orientation: Hetero.

Alignment: Lawful-Stupid.
Intelligence: Below average.
Paranormal Abilities: None.
Hair: Fake.
Sexual Orientation: Hetero.

Alignment: Chaotic-Stupid.
Intelligence: Bullies a mad scientist.
Paranormal Abilities: None.
Sexual Orientation: Hetero. (But why is he so obsessed with Tedd?)

Alignment: Neutral-Good.
Intelligence: High.
Paranormal Abilities: Magic user.
Hair: Blue.
Sexual Orientation: Hetero.

Alignment: Chaotic-Good.
Intelligence: High, but very naive.
Paranormal Abilities: Shape-shifting, telekinesis, talking to squirrels.
Hair: Usually dark brown.
Sexual Orientation: Tedd.

Alignment: Lawful-Neutral.
Intelligence: Above average.
Paranormal Abilities: Limited magic-user.
Embarrassing Secret: She’s a natural blonde and her real first name is Tiffany.
Hair: Dark blue.
Sexual Orientation: Hetero, but doesn’t like men–or at least doesn’t trust them.

- She knows Elliot from martial arts classes.
- She is Tedd’s cousin, though they rarely see each other.
- She met Susan during a student trip to France, though they are not very close.
Nanase is a straight-A student and speaks French and Japanese fluently. Nevertheless she finds small ways to rebel against her mother’s strict rules.
Alignment: Lawful-Good.
Intelligence: High.
Paranormal Abilities: Like Elliot she is a student of Anime-Style Martial Arts, though she is better at it than he is. She is also a magic user like Susan, but more advanced.
Hair: Red.
Sexual Orientation: Hetero. Absolutely, no question about it. Anyway she had better be, because her mom hate gay people.

Al: Neutral-Good.
In: Average.
PA: A student of Anime-Style Martial Arts, though not as advanced as Elliot and Nanase.
Hair: Orange.
SO: Gay.

Al: Lawful-Good.
In: Above average.
Hair: Dark brown.
SO: Hetero.

Al: Chaotic-Neutral.
In: Below Average.
PA: Illusions.
Feathers: Red.
SO: Human women.
Al: Neutral-Good.
In: Average.
PA: None.
SO: Hetero.

Al: Chaotic-Neutral.
In: Average.
PA: Anything Elliot can do, plus a transformation beam.
Hair: Light brown.
SO: Bi.

Al: Chaotic-Neutral.
In: Above average.
PA: Omnipotent.
Hair: Brown.
SO: Pervert.

Al: Lawful-Stupid.
In: Below average.
PA: None.
Hair: Orange.
SO: Hetero.

Al: Chaotic-Good.
In: Above average.
PA: Uryuom technology, languages.
SO: Uryuom.

Al: Chaotic-neutral.
In: Average.
PA: Limited shape-shifting; martial arts.
SO: Probably hetero.
Hair: Grey.

Al: Chaotic-neutral.
In: Below-average.
PA: Limited shape-shifting.
SO: Hetero.
Fur: Brown.

Al: Chaotic-neutral.
In: Average.
PA: Limited shape-shifting, flight, paralyzing scream.
SO: Doesn’t matter.
Hair/fur/feathers: white and black.

Al: Lawful-Evil.
In: Above average.
PA: Fire, regeneration.
SO: Hetero.
Hair: Black and white.

Al: Chaotic-Neutral.
In: Above average.
PA: Mad scientist.
SO: Hetero.

Al: Chaotic-Good.
In: High.
PA: Magic user.
SO: Unknown.
Coloration: White and purple.

Al: Lawful-Neutral.
In: High.
PA: Magic User.
SO: Unknown.
Coloration: White and pink.

Al: Chaotic-Neutral (bordering on Evil.)
In: Above average.
PA: None.
SO: Lesbian.
Hair: Black.

Al: Chaotic-Neutral.
In: Smarter than she looks.
PA: None.
SO: Hetero.
Hair: Blond.

Al: Chaotic-Evil.
In: Not as smart as she thinks she is.
PA: None.
SO: Hetero.
Hair: Light brown.

Al: Neutral-Good.
In: Smarter than she thinks she is.
PA: None.
SO: Hetero.
Hair: Black.

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Al: Lawful-Good?
In: Above average.
PA: Unknown but probably substantial.
SO: Hetero.
Hair: Blond.

Al: Chaotic-Good.
In: Probably high, but very confused.
PA: Immortal.
SO: Hetero.
Hair: Pink and blue, respectively.

Al: Lawful-Neutral.
In: Average.
PA: Magic user.
SO: Hetero.
Hair: Light brown.

Al: Neutral-Neutral.
In: Average.
PA: Magic user.
SO: Hetero.
Hair: Blond.

Al: Chaotic-Evil.
In: Above average, but insane.
PA: Immortal.
SO: Probably hetero, but who cares?
Hair: Varies.

Al: Neutral-Evil.
In: Average.
PA: Wizard.
SO: Unknown.
Hair: Blond

Al: Lawful-Unknown.
In: Smarter than Nanase imagines.
PA: Unknown.
SO: Hetero of course.
Embarrassing Secret: Her sister.
Hair: Very dark purple.

Al: Chaotic-Good.
In: Average.
PA: None.
SO: Lesbian.
Hair: Orange.

Al: Lawful-Stupid.
In: High, but lacking in wisdom.
PA: Wizard.
Hair: Grey.

Al: Lawful-Good. Probably.
In: High, but possibly insane.
PA: Magic user.
SO: Unknown.
Hair: Black as a moonless night.

Al: Chaotic-Neutral.
In: High.
PA: Mad Scientist.

Al: Neutral-Good.
In: Average.
PA: None.
SO: Unknown.
Hair: Blond.

Al: Lawful-Neutral.
In: Above average.
PA: None.
SO: Hopeless nerd.

Al: Chaotic-Good.
In: High.
PA: Immortal.
SO: Unknown.
Hair: Blond?

Al: Neutral-Evil.
In: Above average but insane.
PA: Aberration.

Al: Neutral-Neutral.
In: Above average.
PA: None.
SO: Hopeless nerd.

Al: Lawful-Good.
In: Above average.
PA: Able to sense when the Laws of Nature are broken.
Alternate Universes
Canonical Universes
The Main Universe is where the canonical storyline takes place. There are some other universes that occasionally impinge on the story.
The Alpha Universe contains a megalomaniac purple-haired mad scientist called Lord Tedd, his fearsome associate General Shade Tail, as well as Nioi and Kaoli. This universe has more advanced technology than the others, including interdimensional portals which permit travel between the universes.
The Beta Universe includes a mad scientist named Tedd and his girlfriend Ellen. Tedd cannot travel between universes but he can observe other universes and communicate with them. He is trying to organize the other Tedds to fight Lord Tedd.
The Second Life Universe is probably just a simulation being run in the Alpha Universe. It contains versions of Tedd, Ellen and Kaoli. In this universe Uryuoms fought in the American Revolution and are an accepted part of American society.
The Spirit Plane is a non-physical universe that is adjacent to a number of physical universes. People on this plane can observe the events in a physical universe but cannot affect them, except sometimes by means of mental communication with the people in the physical universe.
Non-canon Universes
Fans have postulated the existence of a Dan Shive Universe to explain the various non-canon stories. This universe contains Dan Shive (squirrel avatar), Minion, Dr. Germahn, Amanda, Lisa and Chika. It also contains alternate versions of the main characters. People in this universe can observe the Main Universe and are usually happy to comment at length on it. Dan can change the Main Universe in any way he likes. It is possible however that this entire universe is just a comic drawn by Sarah.
The AF04 Universe was created by Dan for the 2004 April Fools storyline. It contains a shy purple-haired nearsighted girl named Tess, a cheerful blond girl named Tiffany, the goth Dark Sarah, and Elliot who wears white shirts.
The II slooF lirpA Universe is just the Main Universe after Dan and Minion started fooling around. It was restored to normal afterward.
The Oblivious Universe may have split off from the Dan Shive Universe when Tedd got hold of an evil magic wand.
Magic and Magic Users
Sleepers are what the Immortals call ordinary humans. Sleepers have no magic powers, though if they know how they can make use of magical artifacts created by high-level magic users.
Sometimes a high-level magic user can teach a Sleeper to use one or two spells that fit their personality. Such people are called Dreamers. They have low levels of magical energy and have no way to learn new spells.
Someone with high enough levels of magical energy can be Awakened, ideally with the help of an experienced magic user. Normally this happens after years of study and practice, but Sleepers can also be Awakened by traumatic exposure to powerful magic. Such “improper Awakenings” are best avoided.
Using a lot of magic causes the Awakened to gain new spells. Most have no control over which spells they gain.
Wizards however can design new spells or copy other people’s spells. This is an innate ability and can not be acquired through training.
Immortals are a race of pointy-eared people who can enter and leave the Spirit Plane at will. They are probably the basis for human legends about elves. Within the Spirit Plane the Immortals have godlike powers, but when in the physical world they have no more power than human wizards. However human magic users cannot sense their power, which makes them especially dangerous.
Aberrations are human magic users who have transformed themselves into parasitic monsters in order to extend their lifespans.
Uryuom Technology is said to be powered by a kind of magical energy. However unlike traditional magic it can be understood and used by human mad scientists. Uryuom’s are limited in what they can do with their technology due to an array of quasi-religious restrictions. Human mad scientists have no such limitiations.
Anime-Style Martial Arts also resemble magic, but are different. Students learn to focus their ki in order to perform seemingly impossible physical feats, produce energy blasts and cast illusions on the weak-minded.
Japanese Names
Kisune (pronounced kit·suh·neh) means “fox.” While “Fox” might be a perfectly good English family name, it is unlikely that a real Japanese family would use it. According to Japanese folklore foxes are mischievous spirits who can take human form and even marry humans. The offspring of such unions may have magical powers but are not to be trusted. In some parts of rural Japan there are families that still suffer discrimination because they are suspected of being descended from foxes. However since Nanase does have magical powers, this name may be appropriate.
Nanase (Nah·nah·seh) is sometimes written with kanji meaning “Seven Winds” or “Seven Saints,” but it is usually written in hiragana and may have originated as a Japanized form of “Nancy.” [1]
Akiko can be written three ways: as “Bright Child,” “Sparkle Child” or “Autumn Child.”
Chika can be written in a number of ways including “Scattered Flowers,” “Thousand Flowers” or “Fine Intellect.”
Nioi (Nih·o·ee) is unlikely to be used as a real girl’s name since it can mean “scent” or “stench” and is just as likely to be used for bad smells as good ones. However the Nioi in this story appears to be part skunk, so it is probably appropriate.
Kaoli (Kah·o·ree, usually romanized as “Kaori”) is a fairly common girl’s name. It means “scent” or “fragrance” and can only refer to pleasant smells.
The Shiveapedia is a treasure-trove of spoiler-laden information. Seriously, read the comic first. includes an English/Uryuomoco Translator and an elaborate Character Statistics tool–useful, spoiler-laden but unfortunately not up-to-date.
[NCC] Non-canon character.
[1] The most famous Nanase is probably the popular singer Nanase Aikawa, who writes her stage name as “Seven Rapids.” (The full name can be read as “Seven rapids where the rivers come together.”