Speaking of Gainax Endings…

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…what do you suppose the odds are that Gainax is planning a Gainax Ending for the upcoming final episode of Hanamaru Kindergarten? Based on previous examples it might go something like this:

Anzu-chan finally realizes that Tsuchi is never going to marry her. She goes berserk and brings an AK-47 to kindergarten. Tsuchida-sensei happens to be absent that day, but it doesn’t save him–a jealous Hinagiku has already ordered her father’s henchmen to whack him. Meanwhile Hiiragi, who has figured out how to build a miniature version of the Large Hadron Collider in her father’s basement, accidentally creates a mini black hole which swallows up the Earth. That should just about do it.

I confidently predict that this will prove to be just as accurate as most of my other predictions.