Studio Ghibli is the most prestigious of all anime studios. A small studio founded by acclaimed director Hayao Miyazaki, it primarily does theatrical movies with clever, original screenplays and top-quality animation. Disney has an exclusive deal to import these movies and usually gives them a limited theatrical run.
I can’t say for sure that every Studio Ghibli movie is worth watching, since I haven’t seen all of them, but I’ve been pleased with all the ones that I have watched (and someday I’ll get around to reviewing all of them.)
Whisper of the Heart is one of the less known Studio Ghibli films. It’s a small, simple story, but just about perfectly executed. It could hardly be simpler: a teenaged girl finds her ideal boyfriend, then learns that he is about to move out of the country, and she has to decide how she is going to deal with that. And that’s it; no battles, no explosions, no monsters, not even any magic.
Or maybe there is some magic. (That cat sure looks like he knows more than he’s saying.) Let’s just say that everything has a possible rational explanation. Perhaps the real point is that the heroine has the ability to see the magic underlying ordinary life.
I can’t help comparing this to Revolutionary Road, the last movie I reviewed, not because they are similar but because they are opposites. Revolutionary Road explores the dangers of not having a dream (while thinking that you do.) Whisper of the Heart is about what it really means to have a dream.
Original TitleMimi wo Sumaseba (If you listen closely)
GenresRomance, Coming of Age
LanguagesEnglish, Japanese with subtitles
Contents111 minutes plus bonus material in a 2-DVD set.
Based onA manga by Aoi Hiiragi
DirectorYoshifumi Kondou
ScreenplayHayao Miyazaki
StoryboardHayao Miyazaki
Character DesignKitarou Kousaka
Art DirectorSatoshi Kuroda
Animation DirectorKitarou Kousaka
MusicYuuji Nomi
Animation StudioStudio Ghibli
Region 1 PublisherWalt Disney Home Entertainment
Parental Advisory
Disney knows the American animation market as well as anyone, and they clearly think that they can sell the most DVDs by convincing parents to buy this for their small children. The DVD cover art shows a scene that is not in the movie at all and makes Shizuku look about 6 years old.
Now there’s no reason not to let a six-year-old watch this. It’s gentle and non-threatening. Small children will probably enjoy watching it, even if they don’t fully understand it. They’ll like it but they probably won’t love it.
Still, the main characters are in their mid-teens and have teenage concerns. This story will probably resonate most with viewers whose ages are in the double digits. It’s regrettable that the older children and teenagers who might enjoy the move most are likely to be repelled by the way it is marketed.
Premise and Characters

DVD Notes
The subtitle translation takes a few liberties but for the most part seems reasonable. My only real objection is that is sometimes makes Shizuku sound rather pompous. At one point it has her saying “I’m no man’s burden!” when the original Japanese is more like “I don’t want to just be your luggage!”, which in context seems more natural and expressive.
The English dub naturally has some tonal differences from the original. It’s just about impossible for American actors get the cultural nuances right. Nevertheless it is significantly better than the usual slapdash dub on a typical anime DVD. Disney knows more about how to dub animation than most American anime publishers.
I recommend listening to the Japanese soundtrack with subtitles, if only to hear Youko Honna sing Country Roads in Japanese. That’s definitely worth hearing at least once (but maybe not too often.)
ANN Encyclopedia entry.
Wikipedia entry (spoilers.)