Miyajima: Mt. Misen

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Mt. Misen, the tallest mountain on the island, has been considered sacred since ancient times. The easiest way to get to the top is to take the ropeway that runs up the side.


This stops a the top of a secondary peak. You then transfer to another car to get to the main peak.
Ropeway Transfer

From the ropeway terminal a 1 km. path leads to the top of the mountain–an easy walk if you’re in good shape.
View from Terminal


Apparently there are monkeys on the mountain.
Monkey Sign

Monkey Sign

Monkey Sign

Unfortunately, or perhaps fortunately, the monkeys didn’t show themselves while I was there.

The Hondo Hall marks the site where Kobodaishi spent 100 days in rigorous ascetic training in 806. This is still used as a training center for Shingon Buddhist monks.
Hondo Hall

The Reikado Eternal Fire Hall houses a flame originally lit by Kobodaishi and faithfully tended by monks ever since. This flame was used to light the Flame of Peace at the Hiroshima Peace Memorial Park.

Sankido Hall

The path leads up through a sort of natural tunnel.

I was sort of expecting to find another temple at the summit, but instead there’s a rather ugly observation platform, which offers spectacular views of the surrounding ocean.
Observation Platform




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