Microsoft’s FxCop Rules
David M. Kean lists the rules that Microsoft considers mandatory for internal development.
David M. Kean lists the rules that Microsoft considers mandatory for internal development. has a good summary of the latest developments in the voting machine scandal. This has been a bad few weeks to be a voting machine vendor. Three separate governments,… Read more »
If you have a strong stomach check out this article: Information Week: A Behind-The-Scenes Look At How DRM Becomes Law Cory Doctorow gives an eyewitness account of how the entertainment… Read more »
The XML xs:dateTime format specifies that the date and time must be passed in ISO 8601 format. Also you will probably want to pass it in a time zone-independed way…. Read more »
Elliotte Rusty Harold has drawn at least one nasty comment for his remarks about checked vs. unchecked exceptions in Java: Voting for Checked Exceptions. In fact he is exactly right…. Read more »
Happy Birthday Becky. We all miss you.
Alex Eckelberry of Sunbelt Software discusses the SPY-ACT, a bill before Congress whose purpose seems to be to legalize the Sony Rootkit and any other spyware that vendors choose to… Read more »
C# From a Java Developer’s Perspective a handy point-by-point comparison of the differences between the two languages by Dare Obasanjo.
WordPress Performance: Why My Site Is So Much Faster Than Yours by Elliott Back Good ideas, though more for sites that get a lot more traffic than this one.
Two weeks ago the hard disk on my main Windows machine (the one I use for video editing and commercial software in general) failed to the point of becoming unbootable… Read more »